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About Patricia King Ministries

Patricia King Ministries (PKM) is a non-denominational Christian ministry – under the umbrella of Patricia King Ministries – committed to loving God, loving people, and advancing the Kingdom in the earth through media, missions, events, outreach, and a commitment to growing in the character and nature of Jesus Christ through the in-dwelling grace of Holy Spirit.  PKM believes that His light belongs in the darkness, shining the life and hope of Jesus to those who long to know Him.  We also believe in exhorting, edifying, encouraging and training the people of God to walk in the fullness of all that has been made available to them through the finished work of the Cross.  We believe that all people everywhere have a deep down desire to encounter the One who loves them with an everlasting love – Jesus!

To support PKM with a tax-deductible one-time gift or on-going monthly partnership, click here.

Accountability Structure

PKM has multiple layers of accountability and advisors inside and outside of the ministry to watch over issues of morality, finances, spiritual devotion, relationships, business, legalities, and doctrine. Integrity of character is a high value for all of PKM, its leadership and team members. The accountability structure includes:

Morality; relationships; spiritual devotion – personal accountability team; local church leadership; apostolic network team; personal advisory team.

Business; finance; legalities – board of directors; bookkeepers; accountants; team of lawyers; business advisors.

Doctrine – personal accountability team; advisory team; local church leadership; apostolic network team.

Apostolic Advisory Team

PKM believes not only in accountability and covering within our organization, but also outside of it. As part of our covering, we are in relationship with both a North American and European advisory panel of respected leaders, prophets, theologians and apostles. These include:

Apostolic Covering:

Che Ahn
Wesley and Stacey Campbell
James Goll
Bill Johnson
Randy Clark

Canadian Advisors:

John Arnott
Mary Audrey Raycroft

UK and Europe:

Trevor and Sharon Baker
Walter and Irene Heidenreich

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