Robert Hotchkin
Minister, speaker and author, Robert Hotchkin is the founder of Men on the Frontlines and Robert Hotchkin Ministries. He also serves as one of the core leaders of Patricia King Ministries. Robert hosts the weekly Heroes Arise broadcast, co-hosts the show Propel with Patricia King, and is a regular guest and co-host of Supernatural Life on GodTV. Robert believes every Christian is a difference-making, solution-bringing, miracle-working explosion of the Kingdom waiting to happen. His preaching, teaching, and ministry inspire believers to grab hold of their restored relationship with the Father through the finished work of the cross, and walk in the fullness of their authority as dominion agents of impact in the earth.
Robert is a passionate lover of Jesus Christ, and that passion is truly contagious! He ministers with strong faith, releasing revelation, prophetic decrees, healings, miracles, and the love of God. He is a true carrier of the glory and revival. People have been healed, refreshed, set free, and empowered through his life. He believes for heaven to impact lives and regions everywhere he goes.
The following are some of the ways Robert is available to serve you:
- Conferences and Events
- Revival Meetings – any venue
- XP Ministries Schools: Glory Schools, Prophetic Schools
- Prophetic Ministry
- Evangelism and Outreach
- Foreign Tours and Crusades in the Nations
To book Robert Hotchkin, please fill out the Online Form.
To view Robert’s calendar, click here.
Brochure photos
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