Donate Partner

Thank you for your generous gifts that support the ministry, missions, media, television, and web channel hosting of Patricia King Ministries. May you be blessed beyond measure for your faithfulness. – Patricia King (Patricia King Ministries)

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To become a Monthly Partner, click here.

Online Donations

Please select one of the following currencies to be credited to Patricia King Ministries.

Special funds

Patricia King Ministries receive your gifts for the purposes identified in our appeals. However, if the projects for which the gifts are being received have been fully funded or cannot be completed for reasons beyond our control, the board reserves the right to use such funds for other similar projects.

Donate by phone

Please call one of the following:

Canada and UK Only

CANADA Call toll-free 1-844-756-2278

United Kingdom/Europe Call +44 (0) 7882 849446

Donate by mail

In the USA, Make checks payable to Patricia King Ministries and mail to:

Patricia King Ministries
P.O. Box 1017
Maricopa, AZ 85139

In Canada, make cheques payable to Patricia King Ministries and mail to:

Christian Services Association
Box 40015 Grasslands RPO
Regina, SK S4W 0L3

In the United Kingdom/Europe, make cheques payable to Patricia King Ministries and mail to:

PO Box 543,
Newton Abbot,
TQ12 9JU
United Kingdom


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Whoever sows generously will also reap generously… for God loves
a cheerful giver. – 2 Corinthians 9:6-7