Sep 18, 2015 | XPTV Podcasts
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Aug 31, 2015 | XPTV Podcasts
Discerning of Spirits is a gift of the Holy Spirit for the building up of believers. But just what exactly is this gift? Is this the same as the gift of discernment? Is it the ability to see angels? Or is it something more? On this week’s episode of Everlasting...
Aug 24, 2015 | XPTV Podcasts
Burnout is a major problem in our go-go-go society. It has limited or sidelined many of God’s chosen. On this week’s episode of Everlasting Love TV, viewer favorite Dr. Iverna Tompkins joins Patricia King to talk about the threat of burnout. What is it?...
Aug 19, 2015 | XPVIDEOS Podcasts
Did you know that children are very sensitive to the heavenly realm? Watch Patricia King, Roberts Liardon and others now and learn how you can encourage children to experience divine encounters. More and more children are experiencing divine encounters in the heavenly...