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August 2014

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERARobert Hotchkin ministers with Patricia King and XP Ministries. He is a passionate lover of Jesus Christ and that passion is truly contagious! He ministers with strong faith, releasing revelation, prophetic decrees, healings, miracles, and the love of God. This month Robert shares God’s secret weapon for each of us to break out of whatever has limited us in the past, and break through into impacting the world around us in notable and remarkable ways we have barely even imagined.

We are in the midst of a massive transition in the spirit. God is bringing us into everything He has been speaking to the Body about for the past several years. We are entering an incredible time of Global Harvest that will be marked by notable miracles, signs and wonders through every believer willing to step out in faith. We are on the cusp of the greatest move of God the world has ever seen. It is an incredibly exciting time to be a believer, but it can also be a challenging one.

Throughout church history we have wrestled with transition times. But God has always seen us through the challenges and accelerated us into His promises. And He always will. In this amazing hour, the Lord has a secret weapon that will help us overcome confusion, hesitation, intimidation and doubt; it will also accelerate us into the fullness of all He has for us. This secret weapon is the same thing He brought to the disciples that broke them out of their limitations and launched them out as world changers.

In John 20 the original disciples were going through a transition time, and they were not handling it well. Despite the fact that everything was exactly following all that Jesus told them would occur (Matthew 16:21), they were confused and afraid. As a matter of fact, in John 20:19a we find them literally locked up in fear, behind bolted doors, because they were scared of what might befall them now that Jesus had been arrested, tried, found guilty, and sent to die on the cross. In the big picture everything was going according to plan. The disciples were being brought into everything Jesus had been talking with them about and mentoring them in for the past three years. But it didn’t look and feel that way to them so instead of praising, praying and preparing for the coming move of God they were about to be a glorious part of, the disciples were freaking out.

Enter Jesus, the Risen Lord.

In John 20:19b, Jesus steps past the disciples’ walls and says to them, “Peace be with you.”  He then shows them the wounds in His hands and His side. At this, the disciples go from being locked up in fear to being filled with joy. They go from being afraid of what might happen to them to being empowered to explode out into the world to do the works that Jesus did. Awesome!

What is the key here is what that word peace means when Jesus said, “Peace be with you.” In the Greek it is “eirene” (i-ray-nay) and it doesn’t just mean “relax” or “chill out.” It means “the blessed state of a devout and upright man after death.” In other words, the Risen Lord moves past the limitations the disciples placed upon themselves in their fear and confusion, and He offers them something way beyond a moment of peace. He offers them the empowerment to die to themselves, get past their concerns for “me,” and step into a life of impact on the earth on behalf of the Kingdom. And He does it all by showing them His wounds, by putting on display the tangible reality of all He has done for them. See, when we remember the cross … When we remember the fullness of all Jesus has done for us, and why He has done it … When we remember how completely, utterly, totally, certainly and securely we are loved, cared for and looked after by Him … In that moment we are able to stop worrying about ourselves, trust in Him completely to look after us, and go out into the world in the fullness of what the cross has made available to us.

Now here is where it gets really exciting. That very same “eirene” that Jesus offered the disciples in John 20:19 is available to you and I today. The “eirene” of God – that peace of knowing we are loved and looked after so totally and completely that we can let go of our fears and doubts and step out into the impossible – is His secret weapon for each of us to break out of whatever has limited us in the past, and break through into impacting the world around us in notable and remarkable ways we have barely even imagined. All we have to do is ask the Lord for His peace to be in our midst.

Prayer Directives

So let’s pray this month that:

  1. We will have a deep and profound revelation of the cross and the love of God for each and every one of us.
  2. That anywhere we have been locked up in fear or doubt, we will receive the “eirene” of God so that we might die to ourselves and come gloriously and fully alive in Him.
  3. That we will get past ourselves and step beyond the “walls” of inconvenience and intimidation to be mighty witnesses of Jesus in the earth.
  4. That we will do the works that Jesus did, expecting miracles, signs and wonders that bear witness of Him everywhere we go.
  5. That workers will be sent out into the harvest field with the power and presence of the Risen Lord, and that every man, woman and child will have an encounter with the reality of the Kingdom of God and come to know the love of Lord Jesus.
  6. Let’s call in the Global Harvest!


Want more? May we suggest:

Everlasting LoveEverlasting Love – A CD teaching from Robert Hotchkin

God loves you with an everlasting love. He did all that He did on the cross so that you might know that love. His arms are extended to you through the pages of this book, and His desire is to draw you into an intimate embrace each and every day. May you be refreshed and restored as you grow in the revelation of His glorious and eternal love for you. This beautiful hardcover book with a gold foil stamp is designed to be a 31-day devotional journal. Each devotion has space for your personal insights as you move deeper and deeper into the revelation of God’s love for you!

reignitedRevived, Refreshed + Re-ignited! – A CD teaching from Robert Hotchkin

If you are weary, discouraged or disappointed, you need to hear this new message from Robert Hotchkin. As you listen, you’ll be filled with a new level of zeal and expectancy fueled by a remarkable revelation of the goodness of God and the revival power of Jesus Christ.
Revival is coming – to you, and through you into the earth!

MoreMORE! – A CD Teaching from Robert Hotchkin

Have you been crying out for more of God? More of His presence? More revelation? More of His power? More of His Kingdom coming? More love? More miracles? More signs and wonders? Just … MORE!! Guess what? The Lord wants you to have it even more than you do! In this message, Robert Hotchkin prophesies, preaches and reveals what the Lord is doing in the earth to unlock the amazing move of God that is coming, and how you can be a part of it. God wants to do great works through you. It all begins with allowing Him to do a great work in you. Get ready, because He is bringing you into MORE!

Engaging with GodEngaging with GodA CD Teaching from Robert Hotchkin

You are God’s beloved child, and there is nothing He wants more than to draw you into the fullness of His love, and engage you in a lifestyle of never-ending intimacy. Truly knowing the Lord in this place of deep communion is the key to living a Kingdom life. That is why the devil works so hard to whisper lies to you that would keep you from fully engaging with God. But in this message, Robert Hotchkin exposes the lies of the enemy that separate us from God, and reveals how simple it is to fully respond to the Lord’s invitation to know Him intimately and engage with Him powerfully. Don’t spend another moment feeling separated from the Lord. Begin engaging with God today!

We at XP Ministries thank you for your prayers, partnership, and financial support. May you be richly and abundantly blessed. And remember, God loves you with an everlasting love!
