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Robert Hotchkin

Andrea Aasen is the Executive Director and CEO of Extreme Love Ministries (formerly XP Missions). Andrea is an apostolic leader, mentored under Patricia King, who longs to see the nations restored. She and her team have worked in nations such as Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Iraq, developing community, business, and advocacy models to rehabilitate and protect victims of human trafficking and other forms of exploitation. Andrea believes in the power of love to overcome every injustice and is passionate to see women and children empowered and walking in their God created destinies.

As I sought the Lord this month, I felt transitions surmounting and the “movement” of multiple pieces, places, and persons accelerating to come together, bringing order and alignment within the Body of Christ. You may feel like everything is changing in and around you, and that’s because it is.  Whether personally, corporately, relationally, in ministry, or in the workplace, we are in a season of transition. It is a time of substantial preparation and decision, where it is imperative that we seek after and partner with wisdom.

It’s all very exciting! Big and small things are being re-ordered to position you exactly where you need to be. If you feel overwhelmed by the changes or the places He is taking you into, be encouraged – you do not walk alone (Hebrews 13:5, Deuteronomy 31:6). The wisdom of God longs to walk with you!

The Bible tells us to seek after wisdom whatever the cost, and do not forsake her, for her riches are finer than gold and rubies, keeping you on the path of righteousness and in the place of promise and victory (Proverbs 4:6-7, Proverbs 16:6, Proverbs 8:11). Wisdom is calling! Do you hear her voice, and will you listen to her instruction? There is an invitation in the Spirit to link arms with wisdom at greater levels this season, seeking her insights and ways in all we are and all we do. Without wisdom, the Bible says we are foolish and our path is death and destruction (Proverbs 14:12, Proverbs 15:21-33).  But wisdom calls out for us to heed her cry, giving us good life, justice, right actions and words, protection, provision, honor, peace, mercy, good fruit, and so much more (James 3:13-17, Proverbs 17:28, Proverbs 3, Ecclesiastes 7:4-14)!

This month, position yourself to intimately know wisdom. If you want to follow wisdom and listen to her advice, you must first recognize where and when she calls and what she is speaking. Proverbs 1:20-33 urges us to listen to wisdom and warns of the fruit that will transpire if we are not attentive to what she says. In these verses, wisdom is said to shout “in the streets,” likening that she is speaking on whichever path you are walking on and towards. She also raises her voice in the “public square,” speaking in your marketplaces and mountains of influence. And at the head of the “noisy streets” wisdom cries out, making herself known even through the noise and confusion of your expected end. Likewise, at the entrance of “the gates in the city” she declares her sayings, giving warning to your waywardness and urging you to keep watch of what you do and say. This is such good news! We can be confident that wisdom wants a relationship with us and to guide us in our daily journey and in our public and personal mandates. Wisdom also wants to guard your soul and keep you in alignment, walking rightly with God and with man. And, ultimately, wisdom desires to lead you into destiny and promise by keeping you close to Jesus.

The Bible says that Jesus actually became to us wisdom from God (1 Cor 1:30). And in Jesus we now have all things pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) – including wisdom! The most amazing gift of the Holy Spirit is now one with us to guide us into all truth and revelation in Him. James 1:5 tells us that if we want wisdom, we simply ask to receive, and God will give us generously and without reproach.  So, if you feel confusion or turmoil in your emotions or in making choices this season, fear not! The wisdom of God seeks to guide you and walk with you as a sister (Proverbs 7:4).

As we move through this month and our next season, wisdom must be our guide.

Let’s pray into gaining more wisdom, and meditate on what God says about how to receive and posture ourselves to be wise. Here are some keys:

Prepare your heart: Transition can often feel like a crazy mix of emotions and decisions.  You are not where you were, and yet not fully moved into where you are going. The Israelites saw the promised land and knew they were headed into their place of intended destiny; but they had to first navigate the journey leading up to (and once in) the land, before they could fully take and establish the new dwelling. The Israelites made lots of mistakes in forsaking the wisdom of God; they gave way to their own desires, foolishness, and some even forfeited the place God wanted to bring them into. Fear and the idolatries within their heart kept them from believing the truth of what God wanted to do in and through them. Yikes! Let’s learn from their example and not posture ourselves in their ways. Use this time of preparation while in transition to seek God, asking Him if there are any wayward ways in you (Psalm 139:24). Seek the wisdom of God to uproot false beliefs within your mind and heart, which could keep you wandering or, even worse, cause you to forfeit your birthright. God’s intended best is right there for the taking. Remember, He who brought you into the journey is faithful to bring you through it and finish the work He started (Philippians 1:6, Exodus 14, 1 Cor 10:13).

Remain in a posture to receive wisdom: The Bible tells us that those who have wisdom posture themselves to walk in humility (James 3:13) and maturity (Job 12:12), are righteous (Psalm 37:30), and walk with the Fear of the Lord (Proverbs 9:10; 1:7). If you want to be wise, you must be steadfast to remain in and grow in good character, desiring to become one who models all of the above. This month, pray into places within your heart, mind, will, and emotions that are not fully grounded in humility, maturity, righteousness, and the Fear of the Lord. Ask God to help you grow, and seek Him to bring healing to places within you that are not fully aligned with His word and ways.

Walk with the wise: 1 Corinthians 15:33 is clear that bad company will corrupt good morals. The people you choose to walk closely with will eventually affect your character, beliefs, and actions, either bringing you closer to or further from God’s ways. The Bible says if you want to be wise, you should walk with the wise (Proverbs 13:20). Furthermore, who you position yourself under to receive leadership, counsel, and direction is also very important. Spiritual leaders and advisors are given to us by God to help teach and guide us in wisdom. Proverbs 23:22-25 tells us that if we want to be wise, we must heed our father’s instructions. Submitting to our natural and spiritual mothers and fathers creates a framework for accountability and growth in wisdom. As we move into this next month and season of newness, we must seek advice from those whom God has placed to be our mentors and counsel (Proverbs 13:10). A wise person listens and prays into the instruction they give.

Guard your gates: Proverbs 1:21 tells us that wisdom is speaking at the gates of the city.  Gates, in the natural and spiritual sense, are entrance points that give way to what is allowed in and out. Whoever controls the gates of the city, rules the city! This season you may find yourself standing before new or existing “gates,” which guard situations, circumstances, or even natural and spiritual territories. Let wisdom be your guide to open or shut these intended gateways. Likewise, your spiritual senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing) are gateways to your soul. These personal gates allow what is right and holy, or what is corrupt and evil, in and out daily. Let wisdom speak over the gates within your soul.  Are you allowing sinful or worldly ideas, words, or images to come in or flow out through your gates? Are there gates within you, intended to allow intimacy with God or connectedness to righteous and holy thoughts and actions, which are not currently opened due to unforgiveness, sin, fear, deferred hope, or other forms of woundedness? Pray, and ask Holy Spirit to show you the gates that need to opened or closed.  Ask wisdom to give you instruction in guarding these entrance points, and take authority through Jesus to bring order to your gates.

Want More? Then May We Suggest:


WISDOM CALLSEBook from Patricia King and Larry Witten
Compiled by Patricia King, this inspiring modern day paraphrase of the Book of Proverbs is full of practical and eternal wisdom that is easy to comprehend, receive and apply to your life. In Wisdom Calls you will uncover the mysteries of maximized living written in words and expressions that make sense to people of our day. Learn how to have a happy, successful life that is pleasing to the Lord, and get the answers to every question you could possibly have.

Resurrection Power

12 KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL TRANSITIONING MP3/MP4 download from Patricia King
Transition!! What feelings or thoughts does that word evoke in you? Dread or Excitement? Fear or Expectation? Regret or Breakthrough? Perhaps you have some stories of your own regarding transition and have learned a thing or two from experience. Come alongside Patricia as she shares some wisdom on how to get there.


WINNING THE BATTLE FOR YOUR MIND, WILL and EmotionsBOOK from Robert Hotchkin
All of heaven is available to you right now through the finished work of the cross. But often it does not look or feel that way. The reason: There is a battle for your mind, will and emotions that largely determines the fullness of God’s presence, power and Kingdom that you walk in. It is critical that you partner with Him to the battle.


This four-CD teaching was revealed to Patricia during her prayer time with the Lord in December 2004. Learn all that the Holy Spirit has for us, and how to access it. This teaching is an open door to more wisdom, revelation, understanding, counsel, might, reverence, and anointing.

We at Patricia King Ministries thank you for your prayers, partnership, and financial support. May you be richly and abundantly blessed. And remember, God loves you with an everlasting love!