Patricia King is a respected apostolic minister of the gospel, successful business owner, and an inventive entrepreneur. She is an accomplished itinerant speaker, author, television host, media producer, and ministry network overseer who has given her life fully to Jesus Christ and to His Kingdom’s advancement in the earth. She is the founder of Patricia King Ministries.
This month, Patricia invites us to study and meditate on the attributes of love.
Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the month of February, and every time we see the marketing of hearts, cupids, cards, flowers, doves, and chocolates, we are reminded to express love. Although Valentine’s Day is a fun celebration, we are called to walk in love always.
1 Corinthians 14:1 teaches us to make love our greatest aim, and 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 further reveals that if we do not have love, we have nothing, we are nothing, and we profit nothing. In other words, we can minister with a great anointing, be known for outstanding benevolent acts, operate in mountain-moving faith, and be successful and fruitful in our careers and earthly pursuits, but if we don’t have love, it is all in vain and void of eternal value. Love is the key. Love is the foundation that we are to build life on, for God is love. If we are building our life on God, we are building it on love.
I’d like to invite you to study and meditate on the attributes of love that Paul disclosed in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 as our plumbline.
Love is:
- Patient
- Kind
- Not jealous
- Not proud or arrogant
- Does not act rudely
- Not selfish or self-seeking
- Not provoked or offended
- Does not hold grudges
- Does not keep track of wrongs
- Does not rejoice in unrighteousness
- Rejoices in truth
- Bears all things
- Believes all things
- Endures all things
Learning to love is a journey and we are not matured in love overnight, but when we make it our aim in life, we will constantly move forward. I wish I could testify that I have already fulfilled my love pursuit, but I have NOT! In fact, the more I gaze upon Love Himself, the more I see how much I fall short. Even though I desire to be further along in my goal to mature in love, I am truly thankful for the journey and all I am learning and experiencing.
This year, 2023, is a year when we will be called to raise the bar on our love walk and love choices. I encourage you to make it your greatest aim for the year. Invite the Lord to teach His ways of love in every situation you face.
You are fully and completely loved – now go and share it around!
I encourage you also to read my new book (fall 2022), LIVE UNOFFENDABLE. And coming up later this month, as a companion to the book, is my new Bible Study Course, UNOFFENDABLE LOVE (the course includes the manual with teaching notes as well as video and audio teachings via QR codes). Coming soon!
Want More? Then May We Suggest:
LIVE UNOFFENDABLE – Book from Patricia King
“In these polarizing times, one of the biggest challenges is to overcome offense. Patricia King writes from the heart as she shows us a better way to live, overflowing with God’s love instead of offense. No matter your background, culture, or calling, this book has something to offer you. Live Unoffendable is a must-read for this generation.” – DR. CHE AHN
DECLARE A LOVE WAR – MP3 Download from Patricia King
For God so loved the world… John 3:16
Align yourself with the heart of God and see the world around you change forever!