Robert Hotchkin is one of the core leaders of Patricia King Ministries. He is a passionate lover of Jesus Christ and that passion is truly contagious! He ministers with strong faith, releasing revelation, prophetic decrees, healings, miracles, and the love of God. This month, enter deeper into His constant presence and certain love…
“He will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
– Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV –
Over the years, I have had some incredible encounters with the Lord. Visions. Visitations. Revelations. I am profoundly grateful for each and every one of them. But, to me, the most wonderful, amazing, loving and incredible thing about the Lord is that He is always there. When I feel Him, and when I don’t. In those times of dramatic and vivid encounter. In those visions and visitations. Yet God was not more present – I was simply more aware of His presence. While I deeply enjoy each and every tangible experience of God that He blesses me with, what I am most grateful for is the certainty that He is always with me, always loving me, always guiding and guarding me, always wooing me deeper into all He created me for. And He is doing the same for you – drawing you deeper and deeper into the revelation of His constant presence and certain love.
God has promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you. That means that He is always there for you. The times you feel it, and the times you don’t. You are always in His presence, because He is always present. Even His name, “I AM,” declares this to you. It is present tense. Not “I Was.” Not “I Will Be.” But, “I AM!” He is a present tense God. Always present. Always with you. Always there. Day in. Day out. Always. When you choose to believe this, know it is true, and decide to trust it, you will quickly discover that the Lord is the closest companion and truest friend you have ever had.
Today, instead of waiting for the Lord to “reach down” and touch you, reach out in the certainty of His love and presence to embrace Him!
Make these simple but powerful decrees over yourself each day this month:
- Lord, thank You that you never leave me nor forsake me.
- Thank You, God, that You are always with me and I am always with You.
- Lord, I rest in the truth that even when I do not feel Your presence, I can be confident that You are there.
- Thank You that You are drawing me deeper and deeper into a greater revelation of Your constant presence and certain love.
- Today, Lord, I reach out to you by faith and embrace You, knowing that You are there.
Want More? Then May We Suggest:
Are you hungry for more of God? Do you want more anointing, more miracles, more power in your life? Do you want to walk in greater levels of peace and joy and love? Do you want to know more of His presence, His blessing and prosperity? The good news is you can! It all begins with winning the battle for your mind, will and emotions. This new book from Robert Hotchkin will teach you how to access the divine power that God has placed within you so that you can walk in victory in every area of your life. You’ll also discover how to be the Kingdom agent of impact you were created to be, and how to release heaven into the earth in mighty ways. You were made for this. What you need to discover is how to win the battle for your mind, will and emotions.
ENGAGING WITH GOD– CD from Robert Hotchkin
You are God’s beloved child. There is nothing He wants more than to draw you into the fullness of His love and engage you in a lifestyle of never-ending intimacy. Truly knowing the Lord in this place of deep communion is the key to living a Kingdom life. That is why the devil works so hard to whisper lies to you that would keep you from fully engaging with God. But in this message, Robert Hotchkin exposes the lies of the enemy that separate us from God, and reveals how simple it is to fully respond to the Lord’s invitation to know Him intimately and engage with Him powerfully. Don’t spend another moment feeling separated from the Lord. Begin engaging with God today!
RESTING IN GOD– CD from Robert Hotchkin
Do you long to know more of Jesus? Is your heart’s cry to go deeper in relationship with Him? The key is to learn how to rest in God. In this insightful message, Robert Hotchkin shares how God is waiting to draw you into a greater revelation of who He is – in every area of your life and in all the situations you face. If you’ve ever wondered why God allows us to face challenges and circumstances beyond our understanding, this message will bring you peace and launch you into a new place of security in God where nothing hell sends against you will cause you fear or anxiety ever again. Get ready to enter God’s rest and know victory in every circumstance you face.
EVERLASTING LOVE – Book from Patricia King and Robert Hotchkin
This beautiful hardcover book with a gold-foil stamp is overflowing with the revelation of God’s everlasting love for you. He did all that He did on the cross so that you might know His love. His arms are extended to you through the pages of this devotional, and His desire is to draw you into an intimate embrace each and every day. May you be revived, refreshed and restored as you grow in the revelation of His glorious and eternal love for you.