Heather Williams is an ordained minister and has been in ministry for over 20 years. Alongside her husband, Dustin, Heather pastored in Utah for over 14 years in various roles ministering to children, youth, young adults and families. Heather has a heart to see people come to know Jesus as their Savior and to walk in the fullness of who God has called them to be so they can influence their everyday world. Heather and Dustin currently reside in Maricopa with their three children and she serves as the administrator for the webchurch..
This month, Heather shares when God spoke a clear word to her about His mercy and the journey He led her on to not only learn about His mercy, but to live inside of mercy, from HIS heart of mercy.
“Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!” I remember hearing my grandma utter those words on many occasions when I was a little girl. Usually, those words came when she had nothing else left to say in regard to an overwhelming situation. At the time, I didn’t understand why she always chose the word mercy, but in looking back on it, it’s becoming clearer to me why she chose those words.
It’s not a new revelation that we are living in unprecedented days. Though the Bible speaks of the days in which we live, there is no one (except Jesus) who has gone before us and lived in this exact time and season. We live in a post-covid world. Wars and rumors of wars abound. Natural disasters are almost commonplace. Nations are becoming more divided as our enemy, the devil, has pulled out all the stops in one last-ditch effort to wreak havoc on the earth before Jesus comes back. It goes without saying but we, as God’s people, as well as the world around us, are in desperate need of God’s mercy like never before.
Often, our current circumstances can leave us wondering how to pray. I found myself in that kind of prayer quandary one morning earlier this year. In that moment, God spoke a clear word to me about His mercy. Since then, God has led me on a journey to not only learn about His mercy, but to live inside of mercy, from HIS heart of mercy. Here is the word He gave me that morning:
“Am I not merciful? Is My hand too short? I’m quick to pour out My mercy and slow to pour out My judgment. Mercy flows from My hands. But My people are not merciful. My people do not understand mercy. When I release mercy, it’s more than just My forgiveness. It’s more than just My grace. Spend time seeking Me for revelation on My mercy. To know it. To encounter it. To live inside of My mercy. Press into My heart to learn what mercy is to Me and why My people should be crying out for My mercy. My mercy doesn’t look like the world’s mercy. For when you begin to understand in your heart what My mercy is and why I delight in showing it, then you’ll be carriers of My mercy. You’ll be carriers of My heart and My heart is merciful. Cry mercy. Pray for mercy. Speak mercy over your families and nations. When you operate in My mercy and when you cry out for My mercy, it causes Me to turn toward you. Crying mercy moves My hand and My heart. A mercy outpouring is coming. My mercy will mark My people. The days ahead will be marked by My mercy in ways you have yet to experience. Know this, when I come and when I move in this mercy outpouring, mercy will be a foundation; it will be My mercy that will call the prodigals home and the lost to Me.”
This word hit me in my core; it went deep into my heart and spirit. I must admit, I needed to learn what mercy is from heaven’s perspective. What mercy looked like to me and what mercy looks like to God were very different. I leaned into His invitation to learn more about HIS mercy… Here are some things He’s shown me.
Crying out for mercy gets heaven’s attention and causes God to move.
In Mark10:48-52, we see blind Bartimaeus crying out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Jesus stopped what He was doing and called for Bartimaeus to come to Him (v.49). When we cry out for mercy, that cry moves the very heart of God. That cry compels God to come toward us – to come near us. That cry causes God to move on our behalf or on behalf of someone else. It’s just like when a baby cries; the loving parent runs toward the cry, not away from it. The loving parent responds to the cry and does everything they can to bring comfort to the child.
When we cry for mercy, heaven responds because we are partnering with the heart of God. We can be certain that when we pray in alignment with God’s heart for mercy, He will move.
Crying out for mercy goes against the world’s standards.
When Bartimaeus was crying out for mercy, many rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But Bartimaeus was desperate for the mercy of God. He didn’t let the noise and ridicule of others stop him from crying out to Jesus. In fact, Bartimaeus cried out even more, shouting with all his might, and it was at that point that Jesus stopped and beckoned Bartimaeus to come to Him. In the same way, we can’t let the world silence our cries for Jesus and for His mercy.
Crying out for mercy can thwart judgment.
James 2:13 says, “For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment.” In scripture, there are several occasions where we see God’s heart being moved to show mercy over judgment. In these instances, God’s original plan was to bring judgment, but because someone cried out to God for His mercy, He was moved with compassion, and He extended His mercy instead of His judgment. May we be those who cry out for the mercy of God, so that His judgment is thwarted, and mercy is released.
In this season, God is calling us to carry His heart of mercy. He calls us to be like Him, quick to show mercy over judgment. He truly delights in showing mercy! Let us be just as delighted! Matthew 5:7 says, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” We are ALL in need of God’s mercy. Let’s position ourselves to receive that mercy as we choose mercy over judgment for others.
Join me in praying these decrees to become people of God’s mercy.
I decree that:
1. His mercies are new every morning and I will walk in His mercy every day (Lamentations 3:22-23).
2. I have freely received mercy so I will freely give mercy (Matthew 10:8).
3. God has not withheld His mercy from me, so I will not withhold extending mercy to others (Psalm 40:11).
4. Goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life (Psalm 23:6).
5. God will show Himself merciful to me because I am a person of mercy (2 Samuel 22:6).
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“Lord, I want to be a Benefactor!” When God promised Patricia King that He would bring benefactors to help with ministry assignments, she answered, “God, I am thankful beyond words…but I want to BE a benefactor!” The Lord responded, “I shall both make you a benefactor and send you benefactors.”
God wants to do this for all His people! He wants you to have benefactors in your life, but more importantly, He wants to make you a benefactor. Blessed to Bless offers sound principles on how to experience blessing in your own life in greater measure, then take ownership of your benefactor calling to bless others.
THE VICTORIOUS SOUL MP4S WITH MANUAL – A Teaching from Patricia King & Robert Hotchkin
Have you been crying out for “MORE!” of God? More of His Kingdom? More of His blessings? More of His power? It’s time to stop crying out for MORE, and start living in it!
In these five sessions, Robert Hotchkin and Patricia King will help you unlock the divine power of your mind, will and emotions so that you can prosper, be in health, and live in victory all the days of your life. This course will reveal the lies of the enemy that have been stealing from you, and the truth of God that will empower you.
Why settle for anything less than the fullness Jesus has given you? Start living as “The Victorious Soul” you truly are in Christ.
All of heaven is available to you right now through the finished work of the cross. But often it does not look or feel that way. The reason: There is a battle for your mind, will and emotions that largely determines the fullness of God’s presence, power and Kingdom that you walk in. It is critical that you partner with Him to the battle.