Robert Hotchkin is one of the core leaders of Patricia King Ministries. He is a passionate lover of Jesus Christ and that passion is truly contagious! He ministers with strong faith, releasing revelation, prophetic decrees, healings, miracles, and the love of God. Robert shares why God doesn’t mind your questions. He just wants you to know that He is the answer to all of them.
“Just tell them, ‘I AM’…”
―Exodus 3:14
In Exodus 3:14-15, Moses has an amazing conversation with the Lord. God has just told Moses that He is going to deliver all of the Israelites from all of their tests and trials, bringing them out of every bondage and into the lushness and plenty of His promises. Moses believes the Lord, but he is not sure the Israelites will. Moses basically says to God, “This is amazing, Lord, but I think that maybe, after all the Israelites have been through, when I tell them what you are about to do they may not believe me. They may have doubts. They may have questions. What should I tell them?” The Lord’s answer is, “Just tell them, ‘I AM.’”
God doesn’t mind when we have questions. He didn’t give up on the Israelites or turn away from them when they had doubts. Instead, He encouraged them that the answer to all their questions and all their doubts was Him, “I AM!” It is the same for us today. He doesn’t mind that we have questions, He simply wants us to know that knowing Him and trusting in His love and goodness is the answer that will quiet every fear, every doubt, and every concern.
God, I have been sick for so long, are You really my healer? “I AM!”
God, I seem to be stuck in lack, are You really my provider? “I AM!”
God, this ordeal just won’t seem to end, are You really delivering me? “I AM!”
God, everyone has always disappointed me, are You really trustworthy? “I AM!”
God, nothing seems to be working out, are You really bringing me into my hope and destiny? “I AM!”
If you have been enduring and persisting in a faith battle… If fear or doubt has begun to pop up in your mind… If you have ever cried out in discouragement, “God, this is not going how I thought it would – are you truly working on my behalf?” Well, His answer to you is that same answer He gave to Moses. “I AM!”
Remember … God doesn’t mind your questions. He just wants you to know that He is the answer to all of them
Make these simple but powerful decrees over yourself each day this month:
[1] I will lean not on my own understanding. I will trust in the Lord in all things at all times.[2] God is my answer.[3] God is trustworthy.[4] God is faithful.[5] God is healing, delivering, protecting, and providing for me.[6] God is working on my behalf.[7] God is bringing me into my hope and future.[8] God is bringing about the very best results from my current set of circumstances.
Make these simple but powerful decrees over yourself each day this month:
- I will lean not on my own understanding. I will trust in the Lord in all things at all times.
- God is my answer.
- God is trustworthy.
- God is faithful.
- God is healing, delivering, protecting, and providing for me.
- God is working on my behalf.
- God is bringing me into my hope and future.
- God is bringing about the very best results from my current set of circumstances.
Want More? Then May We Suggest:
SILENCE EVERY STORM – CD from Robert Hotchkin
Are there storms in your life? In your family, city or nation? Does it feel like you’re being buffeted and kept from the blessings and breakthroughs you know have been
promised? Then this message is for you! It is a divine appointment that will stir your faith and ignite the divine power within you so that you can stand up in the midst of the wind and the waves, and command every storm to be still! Listen and discover how to step into greater levels of kingdom authority and dominion impact in the earth.
GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE – CD from Robert Hotchkin
Are you believing for something so big it seems almost impossible? Do you find yourself in the midst of a mess that seems way bigger than you? Or perhaps you have been waiting (and waiting) on a promise from God that seems like it is never going to happen? If so, you won’t want to miss this teaching from Robert Hotchkin. As you listen, you will come to understand that truly all things are possible with God – even the most seemingly improbable or impossible! There is no situation in your finances, your health, your relationships, or your calling that is too big, too difficult, or too delayed for God. He is well able to bring it all forth in impossible ways at impossible times because, truly, He is the God of the Impossible!
MORE! – CD from Robert Hotchkin
Have you been crying out for more of God? More of His presence? More revelation? More of His power? More of His Kingdom coming? More love? More miracles? More signs and wonders? Just … MORE!! Guess what? The Lord wants you to have it even more than you do! In this message, Robert Hotchkin prophesies, preaches and reveals what the Lord is doing in the earth to unlock the amazing move of God that is coming, and how you can be a part of it. Get ready, because He is bringing you into MORE!