Francisco Arboleda is a key member of the Patricia King Ministries family. He was hand-picked by Patricia to serve as the Pastor of Shiloh Fellowship – a church with both a global and local outreach. He has the heart of a true shepherd, caring for and covering every member of the congregation. He is walking in his calling, and living his dream. His passion is to help others do the same. This month, Francisco shares an encouraging word and decrees that will bring you closer to your God and help you through these unsure but exciting times we are in.
I love a good encouragement. Especially, in times like these when we find ourselves in the midst of so much change.
By now, as I write this, there has been a lot that has transpired in the world. We have had a global epidemic sweeping through the world and it has caused panic and fear. And just as we thought that we might be in the clear, we saw another wave of COVID-19. In the USA, we have been experiencing riots, looting and racial tensions. And how about the explosion in Beirut?
There is so much going on around the world. It can make us wonder what is happening. Personally, my first thought was, “Is this the end?”
At the same time, in the church body, it feels like the opposite.
We are seeing a strong increase of the prophetic. Everyone is seeing, hearing, and learning how to share and speak about the things they are sensing.
While there are real challenges, it is also an exciting time in the church. As a pastor, I find myself sifting through all these prophetic words and visions, looking at scriptures, and seeking insight. I believe it is part of a new hunger for the truth of God’s word. We are seeing miracles and bold outreach into the nations. Some of our very own leaders have been preaching more than ever before, yet churches are still for the most part closed. How can this be?
I believe that these are signs of the latter glory days of the church as described in Haggai. Haggai 2:9 says, the latter glory of this house will be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts, and in this place, I shall give peace. Thank you, Lord, for that promise! And even though it may not seem altogether peaceful we are reminded of a simple yet powerful phrase which signals a complete shifting of events during difficult times. God says, “I am with you”. This changes everything!
In the first chapter of Haggai, there is a moment when God is revealing all the chaos to His people. He wanted them to be aware that there were things that the people were allowing to come between them and Him. The worry of provision and distractions from the modern way of living at the time. They were building their own lives up and forgot about the house of the Lord, the dwelling place of His presence. He showed them that they were working hard and not seeing the full benefits, He even showed them how they had lost some of their ancestral way of living that honored Him and ushered in blessings. When the people heard this, their hearts were turned in reverence to Him. That was when He declared, “I am with you.”
That was the turning point! From there He set His governors in place. His leaders for the church and all the people returned to build the temple.
This all happens because God is such a loving God that He wants to bless us, He wants to partner with us, He wants to see us living abundantly in His promises. And because of Jesus, even the actual dwelling place of His presence has shifted. Now it is not a building – it’s you!
You and I are the dwelling place that the Lord desires. Don’t get me wrong, I love church – I’m a pastor of a really great one. But we are called as hands and feet, to go out and take Him and His gospel everywhere we go. We have the ability to take His presence with us. Thank You, Jesus!
I want to share a decree with you as an activation of God’s promises over us. I believe as you declare this in faith, you will see a shift of events just like the people in the Book of Haggai did.
This decree is for you and those around you. No matter what you are facing, please know that God is with you. He is for you. He loves you, and that the best is yet to come. Get ready because you are shifting into blessing because, “I AM WITH YOU, SAYS THE LORD OF HOSTS”
I will not fear for You, Lord, are with me! You give me peace that surpasses my natural understanding. It’s a supernatural peace that guards my heart and mind and keeps my thoughts on You. I cast all my worries on You because I know You care for me. I trust in You with my whole heart and I submit my life to You. I will not forget You Lord and I will seek the ways to continually honor You in all that I do. In this I will have reverence for You and am in awe of You and all You do. The fear of the Lord is on me. I will continue to build and increase because I am a dwelling place for Your Holy Spirit. Amen!
(Haggai 2:9, Isaiah 41:10, Philippians 4:6-7, 1 Peter 5:7, Prov 3:5-6, Prov 3:6-16, Acts 9:39, Eph 2:22)
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