Dr. Michelle Burkett is an anointed counselor, equipper, and leader in the Body of Christ. Ministry is no stranger to her as she was raised in a family of respected ministers and has served the Lord faithfully for decades. She diligently stewards her professional counseling practice and currently directs Patricia King’s Women In Ministry Network, Voice4Victims, and the Everlasting Love Academy. As a dynamic preacher of the Word and committed to Kingdom life and advancement, Michelle has blessed many locally and abroad with her insightful messages and revelations of the Word.
The moment we were born again, we were no longer disconnected puzzle pieces… We became part of a “whole.” We are now grafted into God and connected to other believers. This is said in different ways throughout the New Testament such as:
- We are all branches fed by the same vine (John 15:5).
- We are adopted (Ephesians 1:5).
- We are now part of the body of Christ and each a part of it (1 Corinthians 12:27).
- We are living stones being assembled into a sanctuary for God (1 Peter 2:5).
In the final prayer of Jesus in John 17, He asks that WE would all be ONE as He and His Father are one. WOW! Jesus is in us, and we are in Jesus – we are ONE… with Him and each other. This is so weighty on many levels, but I’d like to focus on the importance of recognizing that YOU are part of the “whole.” You are no longer living unto yourself – you are not an island. Your actions and your words extend beyond you as an individual… Your words and actions carry weight in the spirit and impact the whole BODY. (Heavy, right?)
So, the words we say about someone else, we are saying about Jesus and ourselves! When I encourage someone else, I’m lifting Jesus, and I encourage myself! When I speak life to you, I am blessing Jesus, and I’m speaking life over myself. When I bless you, I’m blessed. When I “curse” you (words that tear down), I am cursed. We are ONE Body! The things we say and do – even those things that aren’t seen – affect the rest of the Body in positive and negative ways, depending on the actions or words. We cannot truly love ourselves until we love each other!
In the natural, we see the devastating effects of a body that begins to attack itself, called an auto- immune disease. We are also seeing this translate all around us in the spirit. We are under attack. If it was just from an outside “virus” a healthy body could easily fight it off. But our attack is coming from within… And often from our own mouths (Yikes!). It’s easy to see and hear the words and actions all around us that are tearing away at the “whole.” It is rampant… The Body is in crisis. We are hurting ourselves. What we say and do affects us ALL. We, who are one Body, must go into treatment!
The answer is LOVE.
We must CHOOSE love every moment! Let us set a guard of love over our heart and mouth. Let our words and actions begin to release an inoculation into the Body. Begin to pray that the words being spoken against one another will not propagate. Let us repent of any words or actions that have torn down others instead of words and actions that have lifted up and blessed.
This includes those whom we feel are against us. When we bless them, we release the Spirit of God over them to do what He always knows is best. Our war is not with each other! Let’s direct our warfare against the spirits of darkness, not flesh and blood. Let’s intentionally live for the “whole”ness of the Body. Let our mouths release decrees of the Word. Let our words be full of hope, life, encouragement, peace, honor, compassion… KINGDOM!
Our minds and our hearts must be focused on Jesus. As we focus on Him – His love, His mercy, His tenderness, His grace, His forgiveness and compassion. HIS LOVE (Yep, I said it twice). Jesus tells us in Luke 6:45 that what we say flows from our heart. So, when we hear what is coming out of our mouths, it’s a great barometer of what is in our heart. And it’s a wonderful opportunity to open that up to Holy Spirit in repentance, and allow there to be a focus shift. A humble heart is a healthy heart.
WE are ONE with Christ. His death is our death; His life is our life. Let’s continue to reach for that high standard of Love! Let’s really go for it and represent Love in our speech, actions, and thoughts, and hearts toward one another. Let us allow Holy Spirit to continue to bring us higher. With intention, we can open a portal of unity, honor, and love that will spread to the WHOLE Body… and the world will know us as ONE with Him by our love.
Jesus, I repent for the words I have spoken that have not carried your heart. Let those words fall to the ground and not bear fruit. Holy Spirit, search my heart and continue to reveal Yourself to me. Let Your oil flow into any hard place in my heart. Awaken me with your love! Let YOUR heart that you have for me and for others become MY heart, too. I will live humbly before You with eyes FIXED on YOU. Clear away anything that clouds Your amazing love from being revealed to others through me. Holy Spirit, help me to set a guard over my heart and my mouth. I will choose words of life, truth, healing, wisdom, reconciliation, and love.
The Bride Makes Herself Ready – A Book from Patricia King
Here comes the Bride and it’s YOU! How Amazing, but what does that really mean? Patricia King leads you to answers through revelation from scripture. She offers insight from Hebrew wedding traditions and biblical feasts and festivals to help you understand in a deeper way Jesus’ all consuming love for you. You are invited to respond to that love, prepare yourself to be His bride, and step into the place of bridal devotion, abandon, and intimacy with Him now and forever more.
Live Unoffendable – A Book from Patricia King
This book by Patricia King reveals the causes and damaging consequences of offense that are affecting the health and well-being of individuals, marriages, families, churches, workplaces, and entire regions and nations. This course will teach you how to be free from this trap of darkness so that you can live a better way — a way that will accelerate the flow of God’s goodness in and through your life! In the eye-opening study of Unoffendable Love, you will be invited to joyfully embrace a life that is saturated in the power of God’s love, freedom, and healing.
Heart of God – A teaching MP3 from Michelle Burkett
What does it look like to live from God’s heart? It changes you! It positions you to affect everything around you instead of being affected by all the externals of life and empowers you to live on heaven’s frequency, not the world’s static.
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Do you want to walk in greater power? Would you like to flow in an increased anointing? Do you want more breakthrough, miracles and victory? This message holds your key to seeing a glorious multiplication of all that, and more. How? Love. In this message, Robert Hotchkin reveals how you can carve out a Kingdom realm of love in your life. He also shares what blocks love, what steals love, and what keeps us from moving in the power of love.