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Million Women event in DC

On Saturday, October 12, 2024, A Million Esthers will gather in Washington, D.C.'s National Mall from 6 AM–9:30 PM for a prayer and fasting event called "A Million Women": Purpose To […]

PRIVATE – Round table with Major Prophets

Cindy Jacobs invites over 40 top prophetic ministers to prayer and interaction to prepare for the upcoming Prophetic Summit event November 7-9. Please be in prayer for this important time […]

Preach at Shiloh

Patricia will bring the message at Shiloh

Prophetic Summit & Roundtable

We would like to invite you to a historic event during this season when the world is shaking. Each year, we come humbly before the Lord to seek His guidance […]

PRIVATE – Mashah Training Event

Patricia would like to invite you to pray for a private event she will be training on inner healing.