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Patricia King – Mother’s Love

Do you desire a greater anointing to nurture and encourage others? Patricia prays for an anointing to expand and mobilize women with a mother’s heart to reach the world with the love of Jesus. Watch Patricia King now and hear God’s heart for Mothers to...

2015 – Power of the Prophetic Word

Have you ever felt like you were ready to step into your prophetic destiny only to feel stuck, confined or a bit lost in the process of transition? On this week’s episode of Everlasting Love TV, Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares valuable insights on how to escape the...

2014 – Power of the Prophetic Word

Have you ever felt like you were ready to step into your prophetic destiny only to feel stuck, confined or a bit lost in the process of transition? On this week’s episode of Everlasting Love TV, Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares valuable insights on how to escape the traps of...