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New Beginnings 2025 Prophetic Conference

Are you ready for something life-changing? The New Beginnings 2025 Prophetic Conference is not just an event—it's a divine encounter designed to refresh, renew, and propel you into your God-given destiny […]

Kingdom Encounter Ministries

Our desire is to raise up generations of sons and daughters of God who walk with Him in intimacy, character, integrity, and purity. Join us as Patricia King shares in […]

LCU Student Training

7200 Denton Highway Watauga, TX 76148 (817) 893-2901 LCU Admissions (817) 893-2900 LC Main Office

Crowned in Baytown, TX

Jesus is raising up an army of women. Women who love Jesus more than life itself. Women who are unashamed of the gospel. Women who will stand for righteousness. Women who will stand and pray for their families, their government, their schools, The Church, the lost, and a mobilization of 1 million women standing arm […]