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Don’t Look Back – by Dustin Williams

Dustin Williams currently serves as one of the pastors at Shiloh Fellowship. He has been pastoring for the past 20 years in Colorado, Utah, Arizona, in various roles including youth, associate, campus, and media. Dustin & his wife Heather are both ordained through...

“I’m Stuck, Lord. Help!” – by Francisco Arboleda

Francisco Arboleda is a key member of the Patricia King Ministries family.  He was hand-picked by Patricia to serve as the Pastor of Shiloh Fellowship – a church with both a global and local outreach. He has the heart of a true shepherd, caring for and covering every...

Wisdom is Calling – by Andrea Aasen

Andrea Aasen is the Executive Director and CEO of Extreme Love Ministries (formerly XP Missions). Andrea is an apostolic leader, mentored under Patricia King, who longs to see the nations restored. She and her team have worked in nations such as Thailand, Cambodia,...

The Blessing of His Love – by Patricia King

Patricia King is a respected apostolic minister of the gospel, successful business owner, and an inventive entrepreneur. She is an accomplished itinerant speaker, author, television host, media producer, and ministry network overseer who has given her life fully to...